Community Alerts

See Something?  Say Something!
Contact the Sheriff’s Department
If you see any suspicious activity, vandalism
or conduct that is questionable.

        Non-Emergency: 410-758-0770
Emergency:  911
QAC Drug Task Force:
Anonymous Tip Line   410-758-8477

PLEASE Lock your vehicles and homes!  

Please do not leave children unattended at the community park.

Please remember the slow down when driving through the neighborhood.  
There are children, pets, walkers and bikers outside enjoying our beautiful neighborhood

Crime Reports Link 

Safety Tips
Queen Anne’s County has a new website!

It is full of new and useful information!


My photo
PO BOX 315, GRASONVILLE, MD 21638 Chester River Beach Community, located along the Chester River and Winchester Creek. The geographic limits of the Association are as follows: All existing sub-divided lots on both sides of Chester River Beach Road north of Pecks Cove, Chester River drive, Jackson Road, Canal Street and Stoney Bar Bluff; herein after referred to as Chester River Beach. The purpose of the Association is as defined in the Articles of Incorporation of the Chester River Beach Civic Association, Inc., as recorded in the State of Maryland, County of Queen Anne on the 10th day of November, Nineteen hundred and Sixty-Three (1963).